My ideas

25-02-2017 à 09:39:25
Add user language selection, to add support for 3D visualizer delta desks to add to the the preset bar buttons in GCODE & SSH commands ) Thanks
25-02-2017 à 11:20:23
Hi Siarhei

Thank you for your contribution. But unfortunately I don't understand your request, what do you really mean? Is it only one request or multiple requests in the same sentence?


Developer of Printoid for OctoPrint, administrator of this forum
26-02-2017 à 08:00:33
1 Add user language selection
2 To add support for 3D visualizer delta desks
3 To add to the the preset bar buttons in GCODE & SSH commands
Thanks )
26-02-2017 à 20:37:25
Thank you for the edition of your message :)

1/ Why do you need a language selection? For your information, French and Russian are integrated, and English is the default language. There is no other languages for the moment. Also, the language of Printoid depends on the locale selected on the phone (if you select French (or Russian) Printoid will be displayed in French (or Russian) - and for all the other languages English will be used by default)

2/ What do you mean by support 3D for delta desks ? The 3D renderer should works even with circular plates

3/ The presets are already available, you have to click on the "+" button on the main interface (bellow the extrude/retract buttons). If you wanna define your own presets in the GCODE & SSH panel, you can add custom commands to send, for example M104 S200 to set the temperature to 200° or M106 S255 to set the fan speed to 100%


Developer of Printoid for OctoPrint, administrator of this forum
27-02-2017 à 12:52:21
1 I have the phone in English and I want to make a program in Russian and without having to change the phone language is not tryin
2 In the delta 3D printer X0 Y0 Z0 model center and rotating the model in the 3D viewer, it rotates around the circle and not the in the center as it should
3 I would like that would've been more than a set of 6 pieces as a preset
Thank you)
27-02-2017 à 13:06:44
1/ Okay I understand your problem. So I'll add a locale selector in the settings ;)

2/ Thanks reporting me this. I'll try to rotate around the center but that seems a bit hard for me (I'm not a pro with OpenGL... but I'll give a try)

3/ As I've said, if you wanna see more presets you can add them in the commands panel. I've taken a long time to develop this panel, and it's main goal is rightly to let you adding as many commands as you want


Developer of Printoid for OctoPrint, administrator of this forum
28-02-2017 à 11:00:58
Thank you to understand me) I do not insist, I'm sure that it would have been better.